Bygg kunskap och nätverk tillsammans med andra organisationer när vi träffas den 29 november på Föreningscenter Nobel 21 för att dyka ner i EU-programmen CERV, Horizon och Erasmus+
Inför nästa ansökningsperiod bjuder ENHI - European Network for Holistic Integration och IKF Malmö (Internationella Kvinnoföreningen i Malmö) tillsammans med Malmö Ideella och KC Kompetenscenter in alla intresserade och nyfikna till Föreningscenter Nobel 21, fredagen den 29 november kl 16-20.
Genom presentationer, praktiska övningar och en frågestund får ni lära er hur ni tillsammans med andra kan söka pengar och arbeta för exempelvis rättigheter, jämlikhet, demokrati och delaktighet inom CERV, Horizon och Erasmus+.

In collaboration with KC, Malmö Idella, and IKF, we are thrilled to present our next event: EU Funding Cooperation Partnerships Building Platform! 🎉
After the success of our 2-Day Erasmus+ Boot Camp in September, we are eager to continue exploring and building powerful partnerships for the upcoming CERV and Horizon Europe calls.
This event will be an exceptional opportunity for organizations accessing European funding to expand their networks and develop strategic cooperation.

Why Join?
ENHI, with its robust connections across European Networks in Health, Education and Training, Disaster relief, Wellbeing, Human Rights, and Child Protection, is committed to fostering meaningful collaborations that support impactful initiatives.
By joining us, you will have the chance to:
Connect with like-minded organizations from Europe and beyond 🌐
Explore funding opportunities and best practices for the upcoming CERV and Horizon calls 💼
Build long-term partnerships that strengthen European and international cooperation 🤝
Let’s work together to make a difference in our communities and advance our shared goals!
Event Details
🎫 EU Funding Cooperation Partnerships Building Platform
📅 Friday November 29th, from 16:00 to 20:00
📍 Föreningscenter Nobel 21 (Nobelvägen 21-23, Malmö)
📧 Sign-up:
Stay tuned for more information.